Technical support
You can always reach us in case of an emergency. Call us on +31 (0)45 524 43 43.
Outside our office hours, you will reach the voicemail at our emergency number, which is forwarded to the employee who is on call for our breakdown service.
Please have the serial number of your machine close at hand!
We are here for you

Technical questions
Our technical helpdesk is available for all your questions.
Submit any inquiries directly to Balemaster by filling out the form below. Or you can contact a Balemaster representative by calling +31 (0)45 208 18 32. We will respond as soon as possible once your information has been received.
Big in making
waste smaller.
Balemaster archive
At Balemaster, we take special care to keep the complete bill of materials for all our machines in our archives. This means our office staff always have a comprehensive overview and complete history of your machine at their fingertips.
We can supply the same parts that were used, or we can offer an alternative that is at least as good.

Ask us anything
Contact form.
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